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Information for Enrolled Families


Makeup Classes

Unlimited make-ups are allowed on a space-available basis. Make-ups may be taken before or after the missed class. They must be taken within the current semester.

Refund/Credit Policy
Tuition payment is due with registration. Payment plans may be worked out on a case-by-case basis. Registration fees are non-refundable. No tuition refunds given after start of semester. Credit towards future semester issued if you withdraw before your first class. Partial credit may be given if you withdraw after the first class only in exceptional circumstances. 

Class Cancelation Policy

If a class is canceled due to weather or any other reason, we will provide a makeup class at a later date.​

Taking Pictures in Class 

While occasionally snapping a pic of your child in the class is fine, we'd like you to focus on modeling music-making for your child. The best time to take photos is during the play-along so that you can sing throughout the rest of the class. Please ask the other parents before you take or post a picture of them on social media. Please also let me know if you don't want to be photographed.

Maintaining a Healthy Environment

Please do not attend class if you or your child is ill. If you or your child has had a fever, you must be fever-free for at least 24 hours (without the assistance of fever-reducing medication) before returning to class.

If you or anyone in your household has any symptoms of COVID or has had close contact with others in the last 2 weeks who have or suspect that they may have the COVID-19 virus, please stay home. Our teachers reserve the right to send a family home from class.

Help minimize germs. The best defense against catching a typical illness is to wash both your hands and your child’s hands immediately after class.

Timeliness Request

Please do your best to arrive at class on time – it will make your child's adjustment easier, and we do plan to start classes promptly.


Are snacks and toys allowed?

Please avoid bringing snacks into indoor classrooms. In addition to being a distraction, we sometimes enroll children with allergies who will react to “dust” from cookies or other snacks with a minimal nut product. Bottles, cups, and breastfeeding in class are certainly allowed.  

Do You Offer Drop-In Classes?

We currently do not offer drop-in classes.

Is it OK for more than one adult to come to class?

All parents, grandparents, or caregivers are welcome to attend class at any time – no need to ask. Whole family music making in your home is extremely valuable to your child's musical development, and attending class occasionally helps the other family members to join in at home.

May I Bring an Un-registered Sibling or Friend?

If you have an older child who is off school and you wish to bring him/her along to class, please contact us. Siblings under 5 who are coming regularly need to be registered.


We encourage you to refer friends and we can schedule a free demo class. Email us to make sure there is room in the class.

Do You Offer Gift Certificates?

Gift certificates for any amount towards Music Together Mount Juliet classes can be purchased at any time. It makes a nice baby shower or birthday gift. Grandparents love to buy these for holiday gifts. Let us know what you need a few days in advance.


Do You Sell Instruments?

Some of the items we use in our classes, and Singalong Storybooks of Music Together® songs are available from Music Together Worldwide. 

Your Role

Modeling for the Children

Your active participation, in class and at home, is the key to your children learning and growing musically.  At Music Together we introduce parents and their young children to the joys of actively making music rather than passively consuming it. 

Avoiding Verbal Directives 

It can be tough to restrain the impulse to give your child directives such as "Do what she is doing, hold your instrument this way” but children respond best by just seeing and hearing your model.  We allow toddlers to wander throughout the room. If you'd like your child to come back to you, please redirect them physically instead of calling out. Of course, watch out for your child’s safety, but mostly your job is to just relax and have fun!

Using Music Together Music and Songbook
Play your music at home and in the car as frequently as possible, especially during the first few weeks of class. Make it available to your child to listen to while she is playing or before nap or bedtime.


Use the songbook at storytime instead of a regular book, and sing through the songs as you go along. Looking at the printed notes on the page will help children understand that music is something that can be read, like words. Familiarization with notation will help them when they are more ready for formal music instruction, typically when they are school-aged. Download the full notation from your account on 

Parent Education Resources

New Music Together parents receive a Parent Education Guide. During class, your teacher may point out examples of music development. We are also happy to discuss your child's progress in obtaining musical competence at any time outside of class.


Accessing Your Music

Create your account on or the app by entering the code that is inside your songbook. Your first song collection will be unlocked right away. In subsequent sessions, add the code and unlock more music!  We recommend downloading your music from at the start of the session. If you have any trouble, email

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